Friday, March 16, 2012

Feeling Discouraged

I am feeling so very overwhelmed, adoption cost so much more than we thought. I feel like every time we finally find the strength to move forward we get set back even further then before. I have so many emotions running through me it's not even funny, I feel angry that we even have to go through this and that I have to "pay" to have a child, I feel sad that it's coming up on 3 years since we started trying and we have nothing to show for it, and I feel jealous of people with kids. I just feel like Josh and I will never have a child together and that hurts me more than anything. Okay I am done with my rant.


  1. So sorry Christina, I pray it happens for you!!You will make an awesome mom.

  2. I agree with the previous post, when the time is right you will make an amazing Momma. The challenges of life are what truly make us what we are. I know it is hard. I can't imagine the frustration that you and Josh are experiencing. You have many blessings in your life, and I'm sure God will give you atleast one more by birth or by adoption. God Bless.
